CEG helped secure $400,000 in grant funding for the project. The project had to meet a very tight design and permitting approval deadline to get the project underway and prevent the awarded grant funds from sunsetting. CEG was able to design the project and secure PA Chapter 105 Joint Permit quickly and created a design solution requiring minimal USACE involvement and oversight. Project costs were significantly less than amount of grant funds awarded to the project which allowed for a reprogramming of funds to expand the project scope to include additional park improvement and sanitary sewer rehabilitation work.
Falls Run flows into Darby Creek and is the central feature of Reservoir Park – a 0.624-acre Borough recreation facility located southeast of the intersection of Ardmore and West Greenwood Avenues. Falls Run enters Reservoir Park through an existing 52” by 36” elliptical concrete culvert that conveys the stream under West Greenwood Avenue. It then flows approximately 225 feet to an existing 60” concrete culvert where the stream flows underground until it daylights at Marlyn Park and eventually discharges to Darby Creek.