The main areas of concern are portions of Hawthorn Drive, Hopewell Road, Zynn Road, and East Fisherville Rd. CEDARVILLE Engineering Group, LLC (CEG) provided East Brandywine Township with Constructability Reviews and Bid Administration for this project.
The Road Program required determination for the scope of work needed for each road in question and corresponding quantity estimates of replacement materials. A site visit was conducted to compile the quantity estimates and determine the overall scope required. CEG provided the Township with cost estimates based on the constructability reviews as well as Contract Documents, Technical Specifications and Construction Details for the proposed work.
Once approved, CEG posted the Contract Documents to the PennBid Bid Exchange System for contractors to view and submit sealed bids. CEG will process and answer all questions that contractors submit through PennBid with respect to the project.
CEDARVILLE then creates a bid tabulation showing all bids received and the pricing submitted for each bid. CEG will contact references for the lowest apparent bidder to help decide on a recommendation for the Township. Once completed, CEG shall provide a letter to the Township with the recommendation on awarding the bid and update PennBid to reflect the award and prepare a notice of award.